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- Essentials For At-Home Seniors During the Corona Virus Outbreak
Essentials For At-Home Seniors During the Corona Virus Outbreak
March 17th, 2020 | COVID-19 Helpful Information
You may have heard the wild stories of grocery and retail stores swept clean of their toilet paper and bottled water stock, but in the calmer confines of your daily life during the COIVD-19 quarantine, you will find that the list of essentials is considerably longer and more important. What are those items and how do you get to them?
People are being asked not to hoard.
Government officials and, generally, people of good sense are urging consumers to leave products on store shelves when more vulnerable consumers, such as seniors and those with compromised immune systems, need them more.
Dry goods
Beans, rice, cereal and pasta last virtually forever in your cabinets and are easy to throw into a pot and cook. Nuts are good, nutritiously efficient snacks with lots of protein.
Canned food
We always prefer fresh fruit and vegetables but the canned stuff lasts a lot longer. Soups are easy, especially if you're not feeling up to cooking.
Fresh food
If you have a meal plan, your fridge may have plenty of room in it. Explore that empty space with some fresh produce and meat, which can also keep well frozen. Some fruits and veggies last longer than others, so stagger some of these in to extend them over your stay.
Frozen food
If you haven't been a fan of "TV dinners," you haven't seen what's become of delicious frozen meals that you can pop into the microwave. They're economical and the boxes are easy to store in the freezer.
Fun food
Give yourself a treat now and then. Chips, sweets and other snacks are fine in moderation.
Tap water is perfectly acceptable. If you're not used to drinking from the tap, or are unsure of its quality, have a two-week supply of bottled water on hand.
The best stuff comes in the bottle with a dispenser – handsoap, that is. It's easier to keep clean and to use just the right amount. It's certainly one thing you don't want to run out of, since a thorough scrub of 20 seconds washes away the virus.
Don't panic over the hand sanitizer shortage. When you're not out in the public, it's not as critical to use it. Wash your hands with soap.
Other cleaning and hygiene supplies
Don’t forget dish soap, laundry detergent and, of course, toilet paper. Keep your clothes clean and lower the risk of virus contamination. Use paper towels to dry your hands and a clean bath towel after every bath.
Make sure any prescriptions or over-the-counter medications are refilled for at least a month. If your medications can be ordered in 90-day supplies, you should consider that.
Pet supplies
Don't forget your pets! Make sure you have sufficient dog food and other supplies on hand.
Let us help!
Lots of ideas for essential items here – but how do you get them if you’re vulnerable? Ask a neighbor or family member to help; or ask us! We are here to help as you ‘hunker down’.
Stay connected with your neighbors and loved ones. When we pull together as a community, we maintain our quality of life together, even during the challenge of a health crisis. Stay well and keep In touch!